miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

[CSHSC] 2x20 The late shaft

El caso: Castle es invitado a un programa de humor, allí conoce entre otros a una actriz que admira y al presentador, un famoso humorista que le confiesa que cree que van a matarle... y efectivamente lo matan.

Trama secundaria: Alexis se va a un viaje de orientación. Castle tiene una larga aventura con Ellie Monroe, Castle la acaba cagando cuando Beckett le insinúa que se está acostando con él para conseguir el papel de Nikki Heat y al decírselo a Ellie ésta se cabrea y se va. Al final comprueba que Beckett tenía razón.

-Martha y Alexis se ponen a ver el programa donde sale Castle con palomitas y todo. Supongo que yo también lo haría. Ryan y Beckett hacen lo propio desde la comisaría mientras comen comida china. Definitivamente,lo emiten durante la hora de la cena.
-Castle ya que está se liga a la actriz.
-Bobby estaba casado con 6 mujeres, todas ellas rubias, serían su tipo. Bueno, de hecho todas se parecen quitando unos 10 años de una a otra. 
-Castle se ha puesto una foto moñas con Ellie con una música de esas romanticonas que suena cuando le llama.
-Proponen a Ellie para el papel de Nikki Heat, Castle aprovecha y ya que se la tira le hace hacer el papel. 

Ryan: Aren't famous people crazy and narcissistic?
Beckett: I don't know. Gotta ask Castle.

Janine Marks: He was banging my daughter right under my nose? I will kill him!
Castle: He's already dead.
Janine Marks: Well, I will kill him again. I don't care. Where's the corpse?

Castle: You sure you want to take that many books?
Alexis: Overambitious for a 5 day trip?
Castle: You're gonna be responsible for your own pack. I think you're supposed to be more Sacagawea than a scholarly reader. Besides, look at all those pages the trees might want revenge.

Alexis:  Do you think he's asked her out yet? 
Martha:  Pfft. Your father, pretty girl like that. He may have proposed by now. 

Beckett: Ellie Monroe, huh?
Castle: Yeah, she's pretty upset about this whole Bobby Mann thing. That we were his last guests. She thinks it would be comforting if we were to be together.
Beckett: "Comforting?" Is that what the cool kids call it these days?

Beckett: What are you doing? (Castle looking into Bobby's evidence bag)
Castle: It's called investigating. You should try it.
Beckett: I usually wait until there's a crime.
Castle: Cell phone, money clip.
Castle: He stuck a piece of gum to a paper before he put it in his pocket.
Beckett: One of his last acts was not littering.
Castle: Yes, but there's a word on this paper..."tory." Could be a mystery woman.
Beckett: Wow, Castle. Cracking this case wide open.

Castle: We should have a catch phrase. She's armed, He's Dangerous
Beckett: Na Uh
Castle: A new chapter in crime solving... chapter, get it?
Beckett: No.

Beckett: That's why she was throwing herself at you. She wanted you to recommend her for the part.
Castle: What?
Beckett: For the record, she's nothing like Nikki Heat.
Castle: Oh! You just can't stand it that a beautiful actress is actually interested in me.
Beckett: Why would I care?
Castle: Exactly. That's a good question. Why would you care?
Beckett: I don't!
Castle: Fine! I'm gonna go get some coffee.
Beckett: Fine! I've got work to do.

Castle: Yet another example of why you shouldn't mix business with pleasure. Even show business.
Beckett: Are you talking about the case or yourself?
Castle: Yeah. Touché, Detective.

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