miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

[CSHSC] 2x06 Vampire weekend

El caso: Encuentran en un cementerio a un joven muerto con una estaca en el corazón y con colmillos. ¡El cadáver es un vampiro! ¿Es Van Helsing nuestro asesino? Un capítulo con mucho ambiente de Halloween.

Trama secundaria: Es Halloween, así que hay disfraces a tutiplen, el primero es Castle, que se disfraza de Malcom Reynolds, su personaje en Firefly. Alexis le dice que lo de cowboy espacial ya está pasado de moda, se tendrá que buscar otro disfraz.

Alexis tiene que cuidar de un huevo para un proyecto en la escuela (sí, los americanos estan un poco pa'lla). Al final le toca a Castle cuidar del huevo. Al final Paige, la amiga de Alexis con la que hace el proyecto, se carga el huevo en venganza por llamar a sus padres cuando estaba borracha.

Un supuesto vampiro muerde a Castle y se pasan medio capitulo tomandole el pelo sobre si le está afectando.

-Beckett lee comics de Frank Miller!
-Feed the birds!
-Ryan estuvo saliendo con una chica a la que le iba el rollo vampiril, lo dejaron cuando le propuso tener sexo en un ataúd.
-En una reja de la comisaria tienen una tela de araña con arañitas de mentira, supongo que para hacer ambiente festivo.
-¡Castle y Alexis agujereando calabazas con un taladro (o similar)! Yo lo hacía con una cuchara, como la gente normal.
-¡Castle tiene una risa maléfica de malo maloso tremenda!
-La fascinación por lo macabro de Castle le viene, suponemos, de algun trauma infantil, aunque no suelta prenda. Yo apuesto por algo turbulento con su misterioso padre.

Castle: I just love this time of year. Crunchy leaves underfoot, the crisp, clean air, smell of jack-o'-lanterns all aflame.
Beckett: Yeah, well, you wouldn't say that if you were a cop. Halloween's one of the worst weeks of the year for us.
Castle: Hmm. So, the body's already in a graveyard. Someone's trying to save some time. I do love walking through cemeteries. I love the stories. Check out this one. Elizabeth Dryden, December 3rs, 1962 to question mark? If they don't even know when she died, what's buried here?
Beckett: Are you wearing suspenders?
Castle: Oh, yeah. I'm trying on costumes for my annual Halloween party. Costumes are mandatory. 

Beckett: Are you kidding me? Is that a stake in his heart?
Castle: Looks like Buffy's visiting the Big Apple.
Beckett: Someone thought he was a vampire. 

Beckett: Who would go to the trouble of killing someone that way?
Castle: Lycans. They've been at war with the vampires ever since Lucian was murdered in the 15th centu... Again, this is just theory.
Ryan: Yeah, a vampire coven is like joining a church or a club. "You like to play golf? I like to play golf. You like to drink blood? I like to drink blood." What? I used to go out with a girl who was into the love style.
Esposito: What happened, did the relationship suck?
Ryan: Deal breaker, she wanted to have sex in a coffin. I'm open minded, but not that open minded.

Castle: Psychology 101. They probably had something happen to them when they were younger. Maybe they saw their dog get hit by a car, attended an open-casket funeral. The loss of a childhood friend or parent. Some people become vampires, some people become cops.

Beckett: What are you going to wear?
Esposito: You wanna know? You gotta show, see what I got going on.

Castle: You smell like cherries.

Castle: You want to bite me, you buy me dinner.
Castle: Whoa! Mother, I'm impressed. You still fit into your prom dress.
Martha: Well, I've always told him, "Darling, if you're gonna do something, do it big or don't do it at all."
Castle:  Is that why you chose that hat?

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