jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

[CSHSC] 1x10 A death in the family

El caso: Un coche lleva cierto tiempo mal aparcado y entre tanta multa la grúa se lo ha llevado. Dentro encontramos a la víctima, el Doctor Joshua Leeds, cirujano plástico, ahogado con una bolsa de plástico en la cabeza. Además tiene las huellas dactilares quemadas y todos los dedos de la mano rotos. La investigación les llevará a un cambio de cara por parte de una víctima de la mafia que está en el programa de protección de testigos. 

Trama secundaria: Castle la empieza a liar, después de leer el informe sobre el caso de Johanna Beckett, le pide al Doctor Muerte (Murray) que reexamine el informe forense, sobretodo la tipología de las puñaladas. De momento decide no decirle nada a Beckett hasta que encuentre algo nuevo. 

Para que no quede todo tan dramático aparece Alexis con el baile de graduación de Owen, que le ha pedido que vaya con ella así tiene que buscar un buen vestido que ponerse. Después de decirle que sí que puede ir, Castle se preocupa un poco pues no sabe como es Owen. 

Poco después Castle le pregunta a Beckett así de sopetón si alguna vez había pensado en reabrir el caso de su madre. Castle, no sigas por ahí que la vas a cagar... Beckett le cuenta que se pasó sus primeros 3 años en el cuerpo investigando el caso de su madre en sus ratos libres, al final tuvo que hacer terapia durante un año para evitar que se desmoronase. 

Para acabar bien la temporada, el Doctor Muerte (el nombre lo puso Martha) le enseña a Castle las puñaladas de Johanna Beckett que ha analizado, todo apunta a que no ha sido un caso de violencia aleatorio como siempre se ha pensado, sino que se trata de un asesinato premeditado y aún hay más: Hay otras tres víctimas relacionadas con el caso con el mismo modus operandi. 


-Owen ha pasado un año por lo inteligente que es, hay que ver que repelente es todo el mundo.
-Según la televisión por satélite, los chicos de 15 años son como los de 25 de antes.
-La tía de las cirugías da grima. Al menos todos piensan igual.
-¿Castle suele asustar a las conquistas de Alexis con cabezas cortadas?.
-No hay nada como tener un ex en el FBI que te pueda echar un cable con un testigo protegido. Sorenson vuelve a aparecer en escena.
-Castle tiene contactos en la mafia. Este hombre conoce a todo tipo de gente...
-A Sorenson le gustan las rosquillas, como a todo buen policía que se precie xD
-La pajarita de Owen y el vestido de Alexis conjuntan.
-Castle imita a Chris Walken.
-Disparan a Sorenson...
-Otra noche que se queda Beckett en la comisaria a base de café.

* Todas las imagenes centrales de esta primera temporada son de Examiner

Murray: A stabbing, Rick? Isn't that a little pedestrian for you? Usually when you call me, it's to ask what happens if you put a head in a microwave.

Castle: Well, maybe he had secrets even his fiancée didn't know about. Like, maybe he secretly made a living out of using his surgeon's skills to harvest organs off of tourists for the black market organ trade. Whoa, that was a good one. I'm writing that down.

Beckett: Castle, you touch my mother's case, and you and I are done. Do you understand?
Castle: Okay. Why don't you want to investigate it?
Beckett: Same reason a recovering alcoholic doesn't drink. You don't think I haven't been down there? You don't think I haven't memorized every line in that file? My first three years on the force, every off-duty moment was spent looking for something someone missed. It took me a year of therapy to realize, if I didn't let it go, it was going to destroy me. And so I let it go.

Beckett: What's the deal with men and boobs, anyway?

Castle: Biological. We can't help it.
Beckett: But doesn't it bother you that they're so obviously not real?
Castle: Santa's not real. We still love opening his presents.

Staff just went through all the files. No other red flags. Any dark secrets in here?
Esposito: Yeah. Doctor Leeds had a weakness. Energy bars.

Castle: I can't believe my little girl's going to prom. My only comfort now is the longstanding tradition of torturing the boyfriend.
Beckett: What do you mean?
Castle: You know, the time-honored hazing that goes on in those few moments we share, where he and I are alone, just before my daughter descends the stairs.
Ryan: I remember the terror of meeting my date's old man.
Castle: What'd he do?
Ryan: Checked my wallet for condoms, showed me his gun collection. My hands were shaking so bad, I could barely put on the corsage.
Castle: What'd your dad do?
Beckett: I... I don't know. I was in my room.
Castle: How was your date when you finally came out?
Beckett: You know, actually, now that you mention it, he looked terrified. And this whole time, I thought he was scared of me.
Castle: Nope. And now it's my turn.
Ryan: What are you planning?
Castle: Something befitting the name of Castle.

Castle: My little girl, She's all grown up.
Martha: Yeah. Well, at least one of you is. A severed head?
Castle: Ooh, I was just getting started, too. I was gonna break into my Chris Walken. "Whoa! Tell me, little man, have you ever been to prison?"
Martha: Very funny. Very funny. But leave the acting to me, honey.

Castle: You want to talk?
Beckett: There's nothing to talk about. I'm the one who pushed for it, and I'm the one who got Will involved.
Castle: There's no way you could have known this was gonna happen.
Beckett: Are you sure about that? Because their vehicle was attacked leaving our meet.
Castle: So?
Beckett: So, we were followed. Someone who knew about the investigation found out about the meet. We led them to Moran. So, yeah, I should've known. And if I were a better cop, I would've.
Castle: You think this is your fault? Yeah, you pushed for it. Not because it's your job, but because you care. Most people, come up against a wall, they give up. Not you. You don't let go. You don't back down. That's what makes you extraordinary. 

Castle: Hey, I've been reading on the Internet about this new thing called "sleep." It's supposed to be real good for you.

Beckett: You look awfully serious. Is everything okay?
Castle: Take a seat.
Beckett: What?
Castle: Sit down.
Beckett: Castle, what's going on?
Castle: It's about your mother.

Castle abre la caja de Pandora, se reabre el caso Beckett y así se acaba la cosa. Durante la próxima temporada sabremos más sobre el asesinato de Johanna Beckett.

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