lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

[CSHSC] 2x04 Fool me once...

El caso: Empieza muy traumático... un simpático explorador del Polo Norte hace unos vídeos regulares de su expedición para unos niños del colegio explicándoles sus aventuras. En estas que aparece de fondo un tipejo (no un oso polar como hace creer el explorador) y le pega un tiro. Pobres críos. Bueno, el explorador no era tal, era todo un montaje cutre con una tienda de campaña, ventilador y porespan para simular la nieve, vendía el programa a las escuelas y sacaba un buen fajo de billetes.

Trama secundaria: Aparece Dylan, que viene por Alexis. Castle no te preocupes tanto que sólo es su profesor de violín, aún así no las tiene todas consigo.

Alexis toca bastante bien el violín. Lo del caso del estafador hace que Castle se vuelva más paranoico con Dylan.

Genial el interrogatorio que le pega Alexis a Castle en la comisaria, con Beckett mirando por el espejo. Yo también me enfadaría si mi padre no me creyera y acabara investigando a mi profesor de violín.

-Beckett, Ryan y Castle se ponen a ver el vídeo en que matan a la víctima como quién ve una peli super emocionante. Estos policías...
-No me he fijado mucho en los demás capítulos. En este sale el famoso "feed the birds" con Castle y Esposito.
-Aparece la copia de Heat Wave que Castle le había prometido a Beckett en el episodio anterior. Mención a la escena de sexo de la página 105. En la edición española es la 191, capítulo 10.
-Beckett se hace la longuis diciendo que no ha podido leer aún Heat Wave porque no ha tenido tiempo.
-Ryan finge que le duele la espalda para evitar cargar con los cacharros de Fletcher, el falso explorador.
-Apreciación a la loca del psiquiátrico.
-En octavo grado una alumna de su colegio le partió el corazón y además le robó el dinero del almuerzo.
-¡Oh! Nuestros chicos cenan pizza en la comisaria.
-Beckett tiene planes... tiene una cita con Heat Wave, un baño caliente y buen vino. Yo quitando el vino (queda muy Hollywoodiense) también haría lo mismo. Lástima que eso de llenar la bañera sea un gasto de agua enorme.
-Beckett odia las pelis de estafadores. Bueno, no realmente.
-Hay que ver como se derrite Castle cada vez que oye la palabra CIA.
-Castle y Beckett apuestan un dolar por si Fletcher era o no de la CIA. Obviamente, gana Beckett.
-El contacto de la CIA de Castle es bastante misterioso.
-Beckett recuerda hasta frases de los libros de Castle. Es que me hace mucha gracia que sea tan fan y que nunca lo diga. Castle ha usado algunas de las frases de Beckett en Heat Wave, habrá que buscarlas.

Castle: Where's the body?
Ryan: You didn't tell him?
Castle: Tell me what?
Beckett: And ruin the surprise?
Castle: What surprise? [...] Do we have jurisdiction in the North Pole?
Beckett: Wait for it. [...] Okay, there comes the guy.
Castle: Whoa!
Beckett: We see the gun.
Castle: That was awesome! I mean, well, obviously it was horrible, but... That's not the Arctic.
Beckett: That's an apartment.

Castle: So, she hasn't mentioned anyone?
Ryan: In case you haven't notices, Beckett isn't exactly what you'd call a "sharer."
Esposito: Why do you care anyway, Castle? Do you have some unresolved feelings?
Castle: For Beckett? The woman hates con movies.

Castle: What's going on with her?
Martha: Besides your unreasonableness? Hormones. What's your excuse?

Beckett: Okay, Castle. What was so important that you had to cut my sparring session short?
Castle: Just that I cracked this case wide open. You know, the thought of you fighting in a ring with another woman...strangely arousing.

Beckett: Who says I was sparring with a woman?
Castle: Oh, your mystery date.

Beckett: Oh, do I detect some jealousy?
Castle: Me, jealous? Ha! Double ha.
Beckett: What if I told you that my date was with your book?
Castle: Really?
Beckett: No! God, you're easy.

Beckett: Shut the front door!

Elise: Steven wasn't a con man.
Beckett: Elise, we...

Elise: He wasn't. He was in the CIA.
Castle: This is the best case ever.
Beckett: Shut up.

Beckett: Who are you calling?
Castle: My guy in the CIA.

Beckett: You have a guy in the CIA?
Castle: When are you going to learn? I've got a guy everywhere. (on cell) Thai food is pleasing to the tongue. (hangs up) It's secret code. He'll call me back.

Agent Gray: I live in a world where nothing is as it seems, Detective. For good reason. Transparency gets you killed.
Beckett: Didn't you use that line in Storm Warning?
Castle: Yeah. I used some of your lines in Heat Wave, too, which you'd know, if you'd read it.
Agent Gray: I read it. I thought it was terrific. Especially that sex scene. Talk about racy.

Beckett: Wait. There's a sex scene in the book? Between us?
Castle: There's a sex scene in the book between Nikki Heat and the roguishly handsome reporter who's helping her.
Beckett: Oh, good. So he's nothing like you.
Castle: Funny. Wait. How di-- how did you get a copy of the book?

Alexis: No, no, quiet. Am I a trouble-maker, Dad? Do I get drunk, disobey authority, steal police horses...
Castle: That--
Alexis: ...naked? No. That'd be you. I seem to be the only person in this family blessed with good judgment, and yet, you don't trust me. 
Castle: I trust you. It's just, it's a dangerous world out there and people lie.
Alexis: You don't think I know that? I'm in high school. It's like the wild, wild West with hormones. And I think I'm doing a pretty good job navigating it.

Sue Vaughn: Fletcher's alive.
Castle: Best case ever.

Beckett: I hate this case.
Castle: I know. Isn't it great?

Castle: Aha!
Beckett: Castle, what are you doing here?
Castle: I knew you were reading it.
Beckett: I...wa...
Castle: It's on page 105, by the way.
Beckett: Wh-- what?
Castle: hat sex scene you're looking for. And Agent Gray was right. It's steamy.
Beckett: I wasn't...
Castle: See you tomorrow.

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