lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

[CSHSC] 4x09 Kill Shot

El caso: Si bien en el caso de ayer Beckett pasaba muy desapercibida, en el de hoy se centra completamente en ella pues el asesino que buscan es un francotirador que se dedica a matar gente al azar. Vista la situación anímica y mental de Beckett. el caso le afecta bastante tirando a mucho. En la segunda escena del crimen está tan alerta a los ruidos y destellos que al oír una sirena se tira al suelo asustada.

Trama secundaria: No hay ningún tipo de trama secundaria aunque podemos decir que la aportación de Alexis (¡Siempre Alexis! Que chica tan maravillosa) de sus conocimientos de Historia del Arte, en concreto del claroscuro sirven para dar un gran paso en el caso. Por cierto, yo también he estudiado Historia del Arte (incluyendo el renacimiento italiano) y... no existe Petrazano (lo más similar es Simone Peterzano, discípulo de Tiziano y maestro de Caravaggio). Si hubieran escogido a Caravaggio hubiese sido más fácil la cosa.

-Beckett va a rehabilitación con un tal Roger, que se ve que tiene una cuerda de esas de resistencia que es la leche.
-Es muy considerado como Esposito y Lanie intentan no decir la palabra "francotirador" delante de Beckett.
-En Bones hacen publicidad subliminal de Toyota, en Castle de las pantallas táctiles de Windows xDD
-Vemos las cicatrices de Beckett. Tiene una en el pecho igual que la chica que hay en la mesa de autopsias... mucha suerte tuvo nuestra protagonista. Bueno, no podía morirse aún.
-Menudo el discurso que le suelta Espo a Beckett para que supere lo del francotirador.

Gates: Ford's not our man.
Beckett: Are you sure?
Gates: I think I know how to check an alibi.

Castle: I know what the paper dolls mean!
Gates: Mr. Castle, now is not the time for your theatrics.

Beckett: You think my life is a picnic? I know what it feels like to be in those crosshairs. I know what it feels like to have that bullet burn a hole through my chest. I know what it feels like to have your life leave your body.

Beckett: Listen, people are dying out there. I don't have time to get all weepy over a couple of scars.
Psychologist: Okay, so what's te alternative? Walking around feeling like you have crosshairs on your back, thinking every glint of a windos is a sniper's scope?
Beckett: Look, there's gotta be a pill out there or something, right? Something to take de edge off.
Psychologist: Medication can help... But not right away.
Beckett: Well, then what?
Psychologist: Well for one, I think you should consider stepping away from the case.
Beckett: You don't think I can handle this?
Psychologist: I'm saying you don't have to. You're not the only cop in the city, Kate.

Castle: We're gonna catch this guy.
Beckett: Yeah, like we caught the guy who shot me.

Beckett: What is that?
Esposito: The rifle that shot you.
Beckett: You're way outta line.
Esposito: Just look at it.
Beckett: No! What the hell aye you doing?
Esposito: I've been where you are. I know what you're going throught.
Beckett: Javi, I'm fine.
Esposito: You're not fine. You're just trying to ack like you are. This is just a tool. It's a hunk of steel. It has no magical powers, and the person that fired it is not some all-powerful God. He's just a guy... with a gun. Just like the guy we're hunting now. And like every other bad guy, he's damaged goods.
Beckett: So am I.
Esposito: That's right. And that's okay. You think it's a weakness? Make it stength. It's a part of you, so use it.

Beckett: If you're gonna shot me, you look at me in the eyes, okay?

Beckett: What are you doing?
Castle: Just waiting for my partner, maybe you've seen her. Pretty girl, thinks she can leap tall buildings in a single bound, carries the weight of the world on her shoulders, yet... still manages to laugh at some of my jokes.
Beckett: She sounds like a handful.
Castle: Tell me about it. Anyway... If you do see her, tell she owes me about a hundred coffees.
Beckett: Castle. Thank you.
Castle: For what?
Beckett: For not pushing and giving me the space to get through this.
Castle: Always.

Beckett: I want to be more than who I am. But I don't know if I know to do that without letting my mom down.
Psychologist: She's dead, Kate. You can't let her down. The only person you can let down is yourself. Her death is a part of you. And you're gonna have to make peace with that, just like you're gonna have to make peace with the scars from your shooting. But it doesn't have to limit you.
Beckett: How am I suppose to let go?
Psychologist: I can help you. But the question is, are you ready?
Beckett: Yeah, I think I am.

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