domingo, 1 de julio de 2012

[CSHSC] 2x24 A deadly game

¡Y llegamos al final de la segunda temporada! Esto de ver un capítulo por día hace que las temporadas pasen volando. Allá vamos con el último caso antes del verano:

El caso: Hoy toca el caso ese tan raro en que se piensan que la víctima es un agente secreto de algún tipo hasta que descubren que todo se trata de un juego de rol. Oye, debe ser muy emocionante pasarte un fin de semana a lo James Bond. 

Trama secundaria: Castle se esconde de Gina, que le presiona para que le pase el manuscrito de Naked Heat. A todo esto Alexis ha entrado en el curso de verano de Princeton, ¡vaya con la chica!

Visto que Alexis no podrá ir a los Hamptons, Castle invita a Beckett y hasta le pasa fotos de la vista que tiene desde su casa para ver si la convence. Demming a su vez también la invita para irse por ahí juntos el fin de semana. Huy que la cosa se complica, ya que Beckett admite que está con Demming, Castle le dice que mejor que se tomen un respiro así no la estresa más y aprovecha para acabar el libro, a Beckett se le queda una cara que vamos, ni que se hubiese muerto alguien. Esposito le suelta nada sutilmente que quizá Castle quiera dejar de seguirla porque ya no está soltera...

La palabras de Montgomery, sobre que la gente tiene miedo a decir sus verdaderos sentimientos hace que Beckett se lo piense. Cancela sus planes con Demming (más bien, corta con él) y ya dispuesta a aceptar su escapada de fin de semana en los Hamptons con Castle aparece... Gina colgada del brazo de su ex-marido... y tan felices y contentos se van a los Hamptons para pasar un fantástico verano dejando a Beckett con el corazón bien roto.  

-¡Partida de póquer! Tanto Canell como Conelly y Patterson le echan en cara que sólo escriba un libro al año, que eso de seguir a Beckett parece más una distracción que una musa.
-Castle tiene fuegos artificiales ilegales para lanzarlos en los Hamptons el día del memorial
-Wow, un boli que se autodestruye después de reproducir el mensaje. ¡Ni Mortadelo y Filemón!
-Beckett sigue sin piso desde que el suyo explotó. ¿Está de alquiler o vive con su padre/ alguna amiga? Supongo que está de alquiler.
-Jajajaja pillan a Alexis llevando a un chico a casa.
-El título Naked Heat no le acaba de convencer a Beckett.
-Uhhh al día siguiente de decir que lo deja, Castle no le trae el café a Beckett. Os parecerá exagerado pero la relación de estos dos se podría explicar con sus intercambios de café.
-Parece que Beckett aguanta bastante bien la bebida.
-Por favor, no podía faltar la última canción. Cada vez que la escuchó recuerdo la cara de absoluta tristeza que se le queda a Beckett. Into the Blue, de Sara Jackson-Holman

Castle: Oh, my god! You got in! That's amazing! I can't b-- I don't-- What did you get into?

Castle: Mother, if you had any idea what happened on that trip, you would've never let me leave the house again.
Martha: Sometimes, the less you know, the better.

Beckett: Wow, Castle, you're working really hard to see me in a swimsuit.
Castle: If you are not comfortable in a swimsuit, you can just skinny dip.

Beckett: Now we know why our victim doesn't exist... He is a spy.

Castle: I was serious about this weekend.
Beckett: You're seriously asking me to your place in the Hamptons?
Castle: I promise, no funny stuff. Just a friendly getaway. It'd be fun.
Beckett: Yeah... No. You know, some of us have to work for a living.
Castle: On Memorial Day?

Beckett: Yes. I spent all of my vacation days looking for a new place to live.

Beckett: NYPD! Hands up. Not you, Castle.

Beckett: Minister of Banking for the Republic of Luvania. These were taken in front of the UN. This is the target. This is who they're trying to kill. I have to call the State Department.

Castle: I don't think you have to. When writing Derrick Storm, I became somewhat of an expert on world geography. You ever heard of the Republic of Luvania?

Beckett: No.
Castle: Yeah, neither have I. You know why? Because it doesn't exist. I got a feeling Kofi Amandul doesn't exist either.

Castle: How old would you say that kid is?
Martha: Old enough to do all the things you did when you were his age.
Castle: That's what I'm afraid of.

Beckett: . Oh, yeah, and your ex-wife called. She said that you've been avoiding her because you're late delivering your manuscript of Naked Heat. That's a catchy title. When were you gonna tell me?
Castle: Well, I was waiting for the perfect time. It just never happened.
Beckett: She's naked on the cover again, isn't she?
Castle: Kind of, yeah.
Beckett: That's great. No one's gonna make fun of me.
Castle: Good.

Castle:  I was thinking it'd be a good time for us to take a break.
Beckett: A break?
Castle: Yeah. God knows, you got to be tired of me following you around all the time, and I really do need to get some work done. With everyone gone, I figured, why not just stay up in the Hamptons, you know? Get away from the city for a while.
Beckett: Well, for how long?
Castle: The summer at least. I thought this would be our last case.

Esposito: So...Castle's last case, huh? Ryan and I thought we'd do a little going away party.
Beckett: Yeah, well, it's not like he's leaving forever.
Esposito: You sure about that? Why do you think he's been following you around all this time? What, research? The guy's done enough research to write 50 books. Look, whatever the reason is, I'm pretty sure it doesn't include watching you be with another guy.

Castle: Let me-- Let me get this straight. You-- your alibi for killing your friend is you were doing his-- his wife?
Lee Copley: Yeah.  
Castle: Wow.

Beckett: Well, if things were that bad, why not just get a divorce?
Melinda Farraday: Are you serious? My house is too nice.

Castle: Is there anything you're not bringing?

Demming: It's not just this weekend we're talking about, is it?
Beckett: No.
Demming: No. Was it something I said, Kate? Something I did?
Beckett: No, you're great. You're really great, and I really like you. It's just, I don't think that this is what I'm looking for right now.
Demming: Well, what is it you're looking for, Kate?

Ryan: You're still leaving the coffee machine, though, right?
Castle: I can't have you suffer in my absence.
Lanie: Oh, we could really use one of those down in the morgue.

Lanie: Don't get into a drinking contest with her. She can take you.
Beckett: Oh, I don't need to drink to take him.

Beckett: Castle, do you have a second?
Castle: Of course. Yeah. What's up?
Beckett: Look... I know that I'm not the easiest person to get to know, and I don't always let on what's on my mind. But this past year, working with you, I've had a really good time.
Castle: Yeah. Me, too.
Beckett: So, I'm-- I'm just gonna say this and...
Gina: Richard? You ready?
Castle: Hey, Gina. Um, Beckett, you remember Gina, my ex-wife.

Beckett: See you in the fall?
Castle: See you in the fall.

Y así se acaba la temporada, a esperar al otoño, digo... ¡Mañana empezamos con la tercera temporada!

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